- Massive tree plantation drive in School, Office and in open space, with the provision of their security, care and growth with people participations.
- Massive propagation of medicinal plants with the involvement of rural mass to increase their income.
- Massive Rain Water Harvesting program and Solid Waste Management program in both urban and rural areas focusing the students in schools and colleges.
- Production of films, T.V., Radio program and posters for mass involvement and awareness.
- Promotion of Eco-friendly products.
- Action oriented program to stop river pollution, water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.
- To chalk out all other program for making our Mother Earth a Safe Heaven for our future generation.
- Compilation of digital manual of flora and fauna of the region of activity and putting the same on web.
- Conversion of the waste land into a fertile land with the help of the local resources and people.
- Promotion of 'Environmental Protection and Ecological Restoration Projects" for the tribal villages of the region.
- Development of the Organization into an action oriented institution and executing body in the field of environmental protection.
Needs of the organisation
- "Resources in terms of money, seeds, saplings, implements, equipment, office furniture, computer system, tents, display material, etc".
- Volunteers to work, organise, inter – act with people, write and talk on the work and concept of the organisation.
- Voluntary professional services, in the field of land-scaping, botany, water management, conservation of bio diversity, etc.
- Sponsors for various projects of aforestation, water conservation and awareness programmes.